Tegia Las Palas


Winter: On the sunny terrace you are in the middle of the lively slopes and cool music ensures that your legs and hands always keep moving. If desired, the Tegia is also open in the evening for a fondue party or a raclette.

Summer: For hikers on the Senda Sursilvana, Tegia Las Palas is the first opportunity to take a break. On the terrace you can enjoy a clear view of the valley, it is one of the most beautiful viewing points. Deck chairs tempt you to take a nap.

Young parents with strollers reach the hut on asphalted, low-traffic roads, either from Tschamut or Rueras. In summer the free local bus also runs to Milez.

Opening Hours

Hochsaison täglich: 9.30 - 18.30 Uhr

Nebensaison:  MI - SO 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
