Sedrun train station


Services at the station

  • Ticket machine: ✔️

  • Free Wifi ❌

  • Lost property service ✔️

  • Money exchange ❌

  • Baggage check-in / reclaim ❌

  • Parking spaces ✔️

  • Lockers ❌

  • Toilets ✔️

  • Waiting area ✔️

Special facilities at the station

  • Boarding and alighting assistance for passengers in wheelchairs ✔️

  • Mobile lift ❌

  • Wheelchair-accessible ticket counters ✔️

  • Wheelchair-accessible toilets ❌

  • Step-free access to platforms (lift/ramp) ✔️

  • Counter with induction loop for hearing aid users ❌

Subsidiary establishments

Important information

The ticket office in Sedrun will be closed from 28 April 2023. Buy your ticket at our ticket machine or at No luggage service is available.
